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PerformanceSupercharge Your Sales Performance with AI

Let ZELIQ be your AI copilot to make the most of your day for selling. Automate your sales grunt work and auto-gernerate strategy for you.

ai-generatedLaunch Sales Strategies that generate Deals

Generate sales strategy to help you write ice breaker email according to your ICP, all within seconds.

Understand the best angle to approach your client that match their current need.

Email deliverability checkBook more meetings, with best emails

Our AI will debounce and verify your prospect's email address to make sure it's their most updated email, ensuring that your emails are delivered safely.

This will improve your email deliverability rate up to 97% and keeping your domain in the healthy zone.

ai personalityBoost Your Closing Rate with AI-Generated Ice-Breakers

AI will analyse your prospect’s personality and give you the "Do"s & "Don't"s on how to approach him/her. Use this to match the voice & tone of your prospect to make personalized approach that would boost your reply rate.

lead engagement scoreEngage hottest leads, to close faster

Let our co-pilot point to you which leads that are hot and which deal is most likely to close.

Our sophisticated dashboard can also help you to prioritize your daily task better.

WoooooshThe sugar boost you need to grow.