
ZELIQ Raised $15.4 Million in less than a year. Read here.

Sales LeadersAchieve up to 100% sales pipeline acceleration

Boost your sales team's productivity and performance with the only platform they need to sell.

  • Manage your sales team admin, access & lists

  • Analyze your teams performance in once place

  • Dedicated account manager that will help you overperform

We integrate with your favourite tools:

Assign & Enrich Leads In Seconds.

Make sure you don’t miss any opportunity. Find new leads and import them through our LinkedIn extension, use our search feature, synchronize your CRM or upload existing ones leads into ZELIQ.

Once they’re in ZELIQ, all of their contact information will be enriched and you can assign them directly to your bdr in seconds

Streamline your workflow by assigning tasks in mere seconds.

With +450m leads, we never run out of candies

Our real-time search engine will give you the most up-to-date and accurate data.

Monitor Sales performance and Make Decisions with Ease. 

ZELIQ record all of your sales activity automatically, for those that can’t be done automatically, our user experience will allow you to input it easily.

Get insights into total calls, emails, meetings booked, and conversion rates, through the manager cockpit so you can make informed decisions and enhance your SDR's performance. 

Interconnected CRM Synchronisation

Enable 2-way connection between ZELIQ and CRM (HubSpot) to synchronize contacts and activities seamlessly. 

Effortlessly manage status, owner, and stage from both your CRM and ZELIQ. Also have your leads data refreshed by data to ensure pristine data in the CRM.

Prevent contact duplication and redundant data entry by maintaining unified information across platforms.


Prior to ZELIQ, I was using a lot of tools in Danim to get prospects and do outreach. But now, we are mainly using ZELIQ. The tool has everything and its AI has helped me automate so many sales processes. We get 10x more deal with ZELIQ.

I’ve played with the Beta and if you’re looking to supercharge your sales efforts, I recommend Zeliq. While giving the best enriched prospect results, it also makes outreach way easier with everything available in 1 place.

Danyl HASSIM | CEO Danim

  • The Data features that Sales Leaders needs

    Find and engage leads, thanks to the most accurate data (phones, email, AI...)

  • The Outreach features that Sales Leaders needs

    Everything you need to sell is on Zeliq (LinkedIn extension, multichannel sequences...)

WoooooshThe sugar boost you need to grow.