
DataProspecting Made Easy

Build your prospect list from our 450 Million database for free. Push leads directly from Linkedin, Synchronize your CRM or upload lead list from CSV. Our real-time enrichment will give you the most up-to-date and accurate data.

Enrich Emails & Phone Numbers

Enjoy ZELIQ's free & unlimited email enrichment for all of your contacts. We use waterfall workflow from several providers like Apollo, Datagma, Prospeo and 11 others, giving you the most updated contact information.

With 80% email and 40% phone number success rate, our enrichment tool is the best one in the market.

Build Your Lead List From Our 450+ Million Database.

Simply apply a range of filters to their search to help them find the most relevant prospects. Filters include criteria such as job title, industry, location, company size, and more.

Have them added to your workspace & enriched for free.

CSV & CRM Enrichment

Already have contacts in your CRM or CSV? Simply synchronize your CRM & upload your CSV in order to have them enriched and updated by ZELIQ.

All your activities will be synchronised to your CRM, ensuring no information is left behind

LinkedIn Extension & Overlay

ZELIQ's chrome extension lets you add prospects from LinkedIn or Sales Navigator into your ZELIQ's account in just one click.

Have a quick access to their activities, attributes & strategy, while staying on LinkedIn with our overlay. Finally, you can add them as a list and get their contact information enriched directly.

CRM Data Health

Avoid duplicates in your CRM. Be the first to know when your prospects change jobs. Keep your CRM organized to enable your sales force to be more efficient.

WoooooshExperience your most efficient sales ever.

© Zeliq - 228 Park Ave S PMB 663752 New York, New York 10003-1502 US